Hear CSE Climate Assessment Results & Recommendations

Dear CSE community:

Thank you all who participated in the CSE Climate Survey that was carried out in May/June by the CLASS Committee assembled by Dean Gallimore. As you may recall, we shared preliminary results with you last June. The final report is now ready, and we would like to share the results with you.

We would like to welcome you to a community event to hear the Giffen&Kaminski presentation on the survey outcome, their recommendations, and the CLASS committee reflections on the survey outcome. The event will be held virtually to allow maximum participation without compromising safety, and we will have time at the end for questions and answers. 

Following the event, we will also publish the final report together with a short summary online at the CLASS committee website for anyone interested.

In order to maximize participation, we plan for two events with similar content:

Meeting 1:  Tuesday, September 7, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Join Zoom Meetinghttps://umich.zoom.us/j/97106011831?pwd=eVNNTmpUODAyckVvVjlDdzlTci9zUT09 Meeting ID: 971 0601 1831 Passcode: 350947

Meeting 2:  Tuesday, September 14,  4:00 – 500 PM

Join Zoom Meeting https://umich.zoom.us/j/98291296124?pwd=ZjNUZDNLTEJrQU9vek52VFlteDJ2QT09 Meeting ID: 982 9129 6124 Passcode: 556823RSVP form:https://forms.gle/Q4eSxzMoCRhs7eeL9
Tuija Pulkkinen
CLASS committee chair